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1999/xxxx25th Anniversary EditionSolidb, string, Ebony touch, 2 hb Duncan1100second hand
1999/xxxx25th Anniversary Limited éditionSolidb. hearing, Ebony touch,2 hb, silver plate3500 second hand
1996/1998Archtop GT CustomSolidb,. string, Golttop, t-o-m, 3/3, chr 2 P-901600 second hand
1998/1998Archtop GT StandardSolidb, mah/maple. Golttop, t-o-m, 313, chr., 2 P-901000 second hand
1996/2003ArtistThinline mahog/maple 1 hearing, tricky. 2 hb Duncan t-o-m2000 second hand
1996/2003Artist CustomThinline mahog/maple.string,l ourla, t-o-m, 3/3, 2 hb Duncan2390 second hand
2001/2003Artist KorinaThinline korina/korina ,1 hearing, 2 P-90 Duncan. t-o-m, 3/31690 second hand
2001/2003Artist Korina HBThinline korina/korina,1 ouie, 2 hb Duncan, t-o-m, 3/31790 second hand
2001/2003Artist MahoganyThinline mahog/mahogany1 ouie.2 P-90 Duncan, t-o-m, 3/31390 second hand
2001/2003Artist Mahogany HBThinline mahog/mahog.,1 hearing. 2 hb Duncan, t-o-m, 3/31500 second hand
1996/1998Artist StudioThinline mahog/maple., hearing, hardtail, 3/3, 2 hb Duncan1800 second hand
1998/2003Artist UltimafeThinline mahog/maple, nake, tricky, t-o-m, gold, 2 ho4390 second hand
1982/1984BlitzSolidb. horloge", tricky, 3/3, arc. black, 2 hb, rep. pastille600 second hand
1984/1989BlitzSolldb. "horloge", tricky, 6I0, arc. black, 2 hb, rep. pastille700 second hand

Cet argus est une orientation sur les tendances des quotations maximum utilisées pour des questions d'assurances et autres évaluations de collection.
La vraie valeure de vente ou spéculative dépend de l'état, du moment, de la mode.
Celle-ci reste basée sur l'offre et la demande et peut-être diminuée de 50% par rapport à notre argus maximum qui est calculé à 100%
1988/1991CalifomianSolidb, acaj., screw, Floyd P., 610, arc. or, 2 sb/hb1090 second hand
1988/1993Califomian CustomSolidb, mahog.., tricky, rep. boomerang, 6/0, arc. gold, 2 sb/hb1500 second hand
1988/1993Califorman DeluxeSolidb. mahog.., screw, rep. boom., 6/0, or, lock. trem,1 rio 1 su1190 second hand
1988/1992Cal ilomian EliteSolidb. mahog.., screw, Floyd P., 6/0, arc. gold, Duncan Trembuck.1100 second hand
1988/1992Californian 12-StringSolidb.12-strings mahog/maple, screw.Floyd P, 6/0,gold, Duncan1400 second hand
1988/1996Californian DoubleneckSolidb. 2 neck mahog., screw, Floyd P., arc. gold, Duncan hb2100 second hand
1988/1993CentaureSohdb, alder, screw, Floyd P., head inv., 6/0, arc. black. 2 sblhb1100 second hand
1988/1993Centaure DeluxeSolidb, alder, screw. Floyd., head inv., 6/0, Ebony touch chr1400 second hand
1988/1991ChapparralSolidb. mahog., screw ne., 6/0, lock. trem, 2 sb/hb900 second hand
1988/1991Chapparral with SustainiacSolidb, mahog. Screw neck, 6l0, lock. trem, 2 sb/hb/sustainiac900 second hand
1988/1991Chapparral CustomSolidb. mahog.-, tricky neck, 6/0, lock. trem, black, 1 sb lame, 1 ho900 second hand
1988/1991Chapparral EliteSolidb, alder, screw neck, 8l0, chr., lock. hem, 2 ho 1 sb actiu.1050second hand

vintage guitar shop
second hand shop

1988/1991Chapparral Elite with SustainiacSolidb, alder, screw. neck, 610, 2 ho 1 sb/sustain.1300second hand
1994/1998DaytonaSolidb. alder, screw, trem Wilkinson, 6/0, chr., 3 sb Duncan900second hand
1994/1998DaytonaSolidb. alder, screw, purplewood touch 610, chr, 3 sb Duncan900second hand
1994/1998Daytona SVSolidb. alder, screw, trem Wilkinson, 6ID, chr., 3 sb EMG900second hand
1993/1996DiabloSolidb. alder, screw, Floyd P _ 6/D, arc. chr, 2 hb DiMarzio700second hand
1993/1996Diablo DeluxeSolidb, maple., screw /filet rep. boomer, Floyd P_ 6/0, 2 hb450second hand
1993/1998Diablo IISolidb, alder, screw. Floyd P., 6/0. arc. chr., 2 ho 1 sb700second hand
1994/1998DuotoneThinline 2 pans acajlépic./filet, 3 ornes, 3/3.2 hb. piezo1800second hand
1999/2003DuotoneThinline 2 pans mahog../spruce./string,1 hearing, screw neck, 3/3, 2 hb800second hand
1996/xxxxDuotone P-90Thinline 2 pans mahog.spruce./string. 3/3. 2 P-90. piezo1800second hand
1998/2003Duotone CustomThinline 2 pans mahog./string,1 hearing, screw neck, 3/3, 2 hb2300 second hand
1999/2003EchotoneSolidb. Erab 1 hearing/string, 3/3, 2 hb Duncan, plate none600 second hand
1999/2003Echotone CustomSolidb. Erab 1 hearing/string, 3/3, non. trapèze, arc. gold. 2 hb600 second hand
1995/1999 EclipseSolidb- mahog.., screw . neck, hardi., 313, arc. chr., 2 mina ho1090 second hand
1995/1999Eclipse 12-StringSolidb.12-string mahog.tricky neck. hardt _ 3/3, chr 2 mini hb1200 second hand
1986/1989FB ISolidb. "horloge" mahog., tricky, rep. boom., head inv., 610,1 hb800 second hand
1986/1989FB IISolidb. "horloge" mahog _ tricky rep. boom., head inv., 6/0. 2 hb800 second hand
2001/2003Jazz 5Archtop maple., hearing, string, 2 hb, 3/3, tricky, cord. trop.2600 second hand
1990/1991Maestro 7-StringSolidb. tricky, head inu., OI72000 second hand
1994/1998MirageSolidb. mahog-/koa, vib. Wilkinson, 3/3, arc. chr., 3 sb Duncan1500 second hand
1994/1998Mirage IISolidb., vib. Wilkinson, 3/3, arc. chr., 2 ho Duncan1500 second hand
1998/1999Mirage Maple TopSolidb., vit. Wilkinson, 3/3, arc. chr., 2 ho1600 second hand
1999/2003NewportArchtop., 2 sb Phat Cat, Bigsby B51900 second hand
1999/2003Newport ProArchtop., 2 th Duncan, t-o-m1900 second hand
1999/2003Newport Pro CustomArchtop ebony touch arc. gold, 2 ho Duncan, t-o-m2390 second hand
1999/2003Newport 12 StringArchtop 12-string maple/maple mouch.,. 2 sb Duncan. t-o-m2400 second hand
1998/xxxxPhantomSolidb. mahog.-, tricky neck. t-o-m, 3/3, arc. ctir., 2 sb/hb Duncan1100 second hand
1984/1989Phantom 12-StringSohdb. actif. 12-string, tricky, hardi. 6/0, arc. black, 2 sblhb900 second hand

vintage guitar shop
second hand shop

1982/1985Phantom A5 Andy SummersSolidb. mahog., tricky neck, lock. boni. 3i3, arc. non, 2 sb/hb600 second hand
1985/1989Phantom A5 Andy SummersSolidb. mahog., tricky neck, lock. (rem, 610, acc. black, 2 sblhb600 second hand
1985/1989Phantom A7Solidb, mahog., tricky neck. look. trem, 6/0, acc. black, interf.midi1300 second hand
1998/1999Phantom CustomSolidb. mahog/maple tricky neck, t-o-m, 3/3, acc. chr., 2 sb/hb1200 second hand
1986/1989Phantom GT Glenn TiptonSolidb. mahog., tricky neck, lock. (rem, 3/3, acc. black, trio590 second hand
1981/1989PrototypeSoïdb. Mahog. Tricky neck, hardi., 3/3, acc. chr.,'tri-coil`690 second hand
1982/1989Prototype 12-StringSoidb.12-strings , hardi., 6/6, acc, chr,'tri-coif900 second hand
1984/1989Prototype IISoidb. mahogany, tricky neck, hardi3/3. acc. chr., 'tri-coif 1 sb 'tri-coif700 second hand
1985/1989Prototype SSSoidb. mahogany tricky neck, coumn., Floyd P., 6/D, chr900 second hand
1999/2000Rick Nielsen SignatureSolidb. maple., Exploror, 2 hb Duncan, Aztec Gold690 second hand
1984/1989Scarab ISolidb. 1 pan, crochet, tricky, 6/0, lock. vib., t hb, acc, chr900 second hand
1984/1989Scarab IISolidb. t pan, crochet, tricky, 6/D, lock. vib., 2 hb, acc. chr.1200 second hand
1986/1988ScepterSolidb. mahog., chanfrein., tricky, rep. boom., Floyd P., 610, 2 hb1390 second hand
1999/2003Slammer Archtop Flame MapleSolidb. mahog./maple, t-o-m, 3/3, acc. chr., 690 second hand
1991/1996Slammer CentaureSolidb. alder, screw, vibrai., head mv., 6/0, acc. black, 2 sb/hb250 second hand
1991/1994Slammer Centaure CSolidb. alder, screw, bck. vib., head inv., 6/0, 2 sb/hb390 second hand
1994/1996Slammer CeMaura DeluzeSolidb. sycomore, screw, lock. vibr , 6/0, acc. black, 2 sb/hb300 second hand
1997/1996Slammer Centaura BCSolidb. alder, screw, look, vibr., 6/0, acc. black, 2 sb/hb430 second hand
1994/1998Slammer DaytonaSolidb. maple., screw, hem Accutune, 6/0, chr., 3 sb Slammer400 second hand
1994/1998Slammer DaytonaSolidb. était., screw, (rem Accutune, tpuch, palis 3 sb Slammer400 second hand
1992/1999Slammer DiabloSolidb. érab., screw, lock. trem, acc. chr., 2 hb Duncan500 second hand
1992/1999Slammer Diablo IISolidb, érab., screw, look trem, acc. chu, 2 ho 1 sb Duncan500 second hand
1994/1996Slammer Diablo SvSolidb, maple, screw, standard vibrai., acc. chr., 3 sb Duncan400 second hand
1996/1999Slammer EclipseSolidb. screw neck stopt., 3/3, 2 mini-hb500 second hand
1994/1995Slammer SpécialSolidb. acaj., t-o-m, 313, acc. chr., 2 ho Duncan500 second hand
1998/2003Slammer StandardSolidb. alder Explorer, t-o-m, crosse 6/0, Aztec Gold600 second hand
2001/2003Slammer StandardSolidb alder Explorer, t-o-m, crosse 6/0, black700second hand
1995/1999Slammer Sunburst ArchtopSolidb. t-o-m, 3/3, acc. chr., 2 hb Duncan500 second hand
1994/1999Slammer Sunburst Flat TopSolidb table plate, t-o-m, 3/3, arc. chr., 2 hb450 second hand
1994/1999Slammer T-51Solidb. trône, screw hardi., 6/0, 2 sb Slammer200 second hand

vintage guitar shop
second hand shop

1979/1998SpecialSolidb. acaj., t-o-m, 3/3, acc. chr., 2 sb Duncan soapbar1100 second hand
1994/1998Special FMSolidb. t-o-m, 3f3, etc. chr 2 ho Duncan '591250 second hand
1974/1989StandardSolidb. Explorer, tricky, t-o-m, crasse 6/0, 2 hb1100 second hand
1991/1999StandardSolidb, acaj. Ezpl., tricky, t-o-m, plaque bl _ crosse 6/0, 2 hb1200 second hand
1996/2003Standard CustomSolidb.. Ezpl., tricky, t-o-m, crosse 6/0, 2 hb Dunc.2300 second hand
1996/xxxxStandard Dot InlaySolidb,. Ezpl., rep. pastille, t-o-m, 6/D, 2 hb Dunc.1600
2001/2003Standard FlametopSolidb. plat. Explorer, tricky net, trop., cherry, 2 hb800second hand
1996/xxxxStandard KorinaSolidb. kon.lérab. Ezpl., tricky, t-o-m, 6/0, 2 hb Dunc.,100 ex.3600 second hand
1999/2000Stellar 1Solidb. maple/oak 2 pans prof., 2 hb Duncan, t-o-m, arc. chr5490 second hand
2001/2003Stellar 3Sokdb. Maple/oak 2 pans prof., 2 sb 1 ho Duncan, t-o-m, chr600 second hand
1984/1991Steve Stevens 1Soli& 2 pans, tricky neck lock. trem, 6/0, 2 sb 1 hb, arc. 1100 second hand
1986/1991Steve Stevens IISolidb. 2 pans, tricky neck, Floyd P., 6/0,1 sb 2 hb, acc. black1200 second hand
1994/1996StudioSolidb. purplew/maple., hardi., 3/3, acc. cru, 2 hb Duncan1890 second hand
1996/2003StudioSolidb. purple/maple., t-o-m, 3/3, arc. chr, 2 hb Duncan1800 second hand
2001/2003Studio MahoganySolidb,. sym., t-o-m, 3/3, aco chr., 2 hb Duncan1890 second hand
1992/1997Studio CustomSolidb. purplew/maple. filet, rep cour., t-o-m, 3/3, acc. chr., 2 hb1450 second hand
1998/2003Studio CustomSolidb. mahogany/maple. string. rep cour., t-o-m, 3/3, arc. chr., 2 hb1600 second hand
1996/2003Studio P-90Solidb. mahogany/maple string, rep cour., t-o-m, 3/3, chr., 2 P-901600 second hand
1998/2003Studio StandardSolidb. mahogany/maple, string, rep post., t-o-m, 3/3. acc. chr., 2 hb1000 second hand
1977/1989SunburslSolidb. mahogany/maple tricky neck t-o-m, 3/3, etc. chr., 2 hb800 second hand
1991/1995Suri Archtop CustomSolidb. mahog/maple tricky7string, t-o-m, 3/3chr, 2 ho Duncan1300 second hand
1991/1995Sunburst Archtop Standard mahog/maple tricky neck t-o-m, 3/3,chr., 2 ho Duncan1100 second hand
1991/1995Sunburst Archtop StudioSolidb mahog/maple tricky neck t-o-m, 3/3,chr., 2 ho Duncan1100 second hand
1994/1998T-51Solidb. alder type Tele, screw, cheu. Wilkins., 6/0, 2 sb Dunc.800 second hand
1994/1998T-51RSolidb. alder, screw mahogany touch chev. Wilkinson, 6/0, 2 sb850 second hand
1994/1998T-51 Fishman Power BridgeSolidb.alder, screw, Wilkinson, 610, 2 DuncaniFishman1000 second hand
1986/1989TLESolidb. mahog./maple., tricky neck, hardt. 6/0, 3 su700 second hand
1986/1989TLE CustomSolidb. mahog./maple. string, screw rep. boom., Floyd R., 6/0, 2 sb1300 second hand
1992/1995Trad '62Solidb. alder, screw, Sperzel 6/0, 3 sb, vibra( _ EO1000 second hand
1999/2000VanguardThinline 1 hearing, 2 P-90 Duncan, finition pailletée silver1000 second hand
2000/xxxxVanguardThinline 1 une, 2 P-90 Duncan, finition cherry1000 second hand
1999/2000Vanguard HBThinline 1 one, 2 ho Duncan, finition silver1200 second hand
1979/1989VectorSolidb. type Flying V acaj., tricky, 2 hb, hardi.500 second hand
1979/1989VectorSolidb. type Flying V acaj./érab. , tricky, 2 hb, hardi.600 second hand
1985/1989Vector KKSolidb. type Flying V mahog., tricky, 1 hb, hardi.400 second hand
1985/1989Vector KKSolidb. type Flying V mahog./maple. , tricky. 1 ho, hardi.500 second hand
1991/1996Vintage SSolidb. emb., tricky neck, vibr ABM, 6/0, 3 sb PAS-i Duncan1400 second hand
1987/1997VirtuosoSolidb. mahog., Floyd P 6/0,1 silo rail1800 second hand

vintage guitar shop
second hand shop